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Page 10

  “Untuck your shirt,” McGlade said. “Your belt is like a badge, announcing you’re a cop.”

  I complied. “Will we need duckets?”

  “I brought some. I’ll add it to your bill.”

  “What’s the exchange rate?”

  “Whatever I decide.”

  Because dissys had no ID chips or bank accounts, currency in towns like this was still paper-based. That meant a lot of predators, trolling for cash. Luckily, Tasers and firearms were either useless here or sold off decades ago, so the only weapons available were of the cutting and bludgeoning type. While this kept me on my toes, at least I would see it coming, unlike a projectile.

  “Watch out for arrows,” McGlade said. “They make them out of femur bones.”

  So much for no projectiles.

  I took in my surroundings, which were both dangerous and depressing, and wondered about the lack of people. I saw a few figures disappear behind doorways, a few heads duck beneath broken windows. Who would want to live in fear like this? Who could think this was freedom?

  A clearly out-of-whack dissy paraded in front of us, holding up a plastic sign that read, REPENT NOW.

  “Repent?” McGlade said. “I never pented in the first place.”

  The dissy sneered. “God is watching you.”

  “Sounds like he needs a better hobby,” McGlade answered.

  Finally, we had our first approach. Weaselly looking guy standing on the corner. White, twenties, clothing and face so dirty it looked like he had recently been mining coal. He came up with his palms raised—a dissy gesture that showed he wasn’t holding a weapon.

  “Got food? Duckets? I’ll suck you off for two duckets.”

  “Tempting as that sounds,” McGlade said, “we’re looking for information. Know a guy named Rocket Corbitz?”

  His eyes went from McGlade to me to McGlade to me, like he was watching a hypertennis match. “I know a lot of people. Whatcha paying?”

  “Whatcha know?”

  “Roider. Biggest in town. Got the rage.”

  “Know where he is?” McGlade asked.

  “How much?”

  “Ten duckets. Five when you tell us. Five when we get there and you point him out.”

  “Y’all are fuct. I’m not bringing you to Rocket. He’ll rip off my arms and shove ’em up my ass.”

  “Okay,” McGlade said. “Eleven duckets.”

  “No way in hell.”

  Didn’t hear the term hell used much anymore. But where there was desperation, there was religion, and dissytown had plenty of both.

  “Maybe we’re friends of Rocket’s.” I tried on a smile.

  “Maybe we want to give him some roids, make his biceps bigger.”

  “His biceps can’t get bigger. And you don’t look like no dealer.”

  “Four to point us in the right direction,” McGlade said.



  I raised an eyebrow at McGlade, wondering if he understood the concept of haggling.

  “Not worth it for less than five, man.”

  “Three forty-nine,” McGlade said.

  “Give him the damn five, McGlade.”

  He shrugged and dug a wrinkled bill from his pocket.

  The dissy looked around, apparently worried that Rocket would jump out and give him an arm enema. “Try Rosie’s.”

  McGlade forked over the five and the weaselly man scurried away.

  “You know where Rosie’s is?” I asked.

  “That’s what you’re paying me for, hoss.” We set off walking. “You didn’t tell me Rocket was a roider.”

  “News to me.”

  I stepped on something, saw it was a syringe. Didn’t these idiots know that everything these days was available in pill form?

  “Some of those guys can get pretty big,” McGlade said.

  “I watch Mr. Hyperuniverse. I know.”

  “Seeing it on your projector is one thing. You ever see a roider in person?”

  “Haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “It’s sort of like the cyborg in Terminator 39. But bigger.”

  I glanced at him. “You scared, McGlade?”

  “I don’t get scared.”


  “Really. Before situations get scary, I run away.”

  I didn’t buy it. Not the scared part. The running part. McGlade’s fastest speed was turtle, as evidenced by the way he lingered several steps behind me.

  As we were cutting through an alley someone else approached us. A woman. I looked for hidden bows and arrows, but her tight outfit didn’t give her room to conceal anything. The bodysuit was neon green, made of shiny latex. It matched her hair color, which hung down to her waist. The fact that she wasn’t filthy made her stand out. So did the fact that her body was incredible.

  “Dibs,” McGlade said.

  “I thought you liked natural hair color.”

  “I like anything with two tits and a pulse. And even the two tits are negotiable.”

  She stopped a few feet in front of us. I noticed she was Asian, that her bodysuit extended to stiletto boots, and that it was so tight you could see her nipples.

  “Nice,” McGlade said out of the corner of his mouth. “And proof that God doesn’t exist.”

  “How so?”

  “Because if God really existed, all women would be this hot.”

  He had a point.

  McGlade smacked his lips. “Anime chick. And I bet she’s a BHV.”

  The woman did indeed look like a Japanese cartoon character come to life. But I wasn’t sure about her being a BHV. I would bet this one had better things to do with her time.

  When she spoke, her voice oozed like honey. “Would you gentlemen like to talk about the opportunities available to leave dissytown and becoming upstanding citizens?”

  Son of a bitch. A bleeding heart volunteer. McGlade was right.

  “I’d be happy to sit down with you and discuss it,” McGlade said. “Or lie down.”

  I shook my head. “Sorry, lady. We’ve got an appointment.”

  I tried to walk past, but she stepped in front of me. Then she ran her tongue across her upper lip—also painted green—and gave me a stare that would make pudding hard. “I’m Yummi. I work for Operation Second Chance. We recruit dissys and offer them housing and jobs.” She lightly chewed her lower lip, then said, “I can think of several positions you’d be perfect for.”

  “And slots for me to fill?” I asked.

  Yummi nodded.

  “I can fill slots, too,” McGlade said.

  “Aren’t you worried someone in this rough neighborhood will take advantage of a pretty lady like you?” I asked.

  “The only people who take advantage are the ones I allow. The rest . . .”

  Yummi’s perfect leg shot out, extending to its full length at a 115-degree angle to her body, the sharp tip of her stiletto heel an inch from McGlade’s throat.

  “I just ejaculated,” McGlade said.

  Yummi lowered her leg, keeping her eyes on me. “So what’s your name?”

  “Not interested.”

  She took a quick step toward me, putting her hand directly on my crotch.

  “It doesn’t feel like you’re not interested.”

  “Step on me,” McGlade said. “I’ll give you five hundred duckets if you step on me.”

  I sighed. Another place, another time, this would be amusing. But I had more pressing issues. “Do men ever say no to you, Yummi?”

  She batted her eyelashes. “Not men or women. I have the best dissy recovery record in OSC.”

  “Then I’m proud to be the first.”

  I gave her a polite but firm shove out of my personal space, grabbed McGlade by the collar, and walked past.

  “Are you nuts?” McGlade said. “Do you know how long it’s been since I got some strange without paying for it?”


  “Yeah. Never. And I—Shit!”

  The s
ame moment McGlade swore, I felt myself flipping over. I landed hard on the asphalt, the breath knocked out of me, hearing the squeak of latex against my cheeks as Yummi’s thighs straddled my face and she sat on my chest, her eyes full of rage.


  Scratch that. Her eyes weren’t filled with rage.

  They were filled with lust.

  “No means no,” I said when I caught my breath.

  “No means try harder.”

  With one hand, she ran her thumb across my lips. The other snaked behind her and managed to work itself inside my pants.

  “This is so hot,” McGlade said, staring from a few inches away.

  Her fingers wrapped around me, and Yummi made a sound that was somewhere between a squeal and a gasp.

  “You’re so big,” she said, her voice dropping an octave.

  Now, I’m all for women taking the lead sexually. And I’m open-minded enough to have married an SLP. But even though Vicki had sex with a lot of men (I didn’t want to know how many) I could honestly say I’d never been with another woman since we’d exchanged our vows. Whenever we argued about her profession, Vicki encouraged me to go out and have affairs. But I had an old-fashioned streak in me that always refused, and I limited my sexual escapades to my time with her, and my time alone in the shower.

  That didn’t mean that I didn’t want to take Yummi right then and there. Or that the thing she was doing with her hand wasn’t driving me out of my mind.

  She rubbed her crotch against my chin, and then her body tensed, and shuddered. I’d seen enough women coming to know Yummi just had.

  “Holy shit!” McGlade said. “Women can have orgasms?”

  Her hips moved faster, apparently going for seconds, and I slapped her ass and pushed her up over my head and off of me. I rolled onto all fours—or in my case, all fives—and saw Yummi had assumed a similar position. She crawled around me like a panther ready to pounce.

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” I said.

  “Please,” she breathed. “Hurt me.”

  I tried to back up, and Yummi launched herself at me, surprisingly strong for her size. She managed to slip underneath me, her arms locking around my waist. I tipped onto my side as Yummi’s thighs wrapped around my head and she ground herself against my face. Her moan made my hair curl.

  I looked around for McGlade, hoping for some help. He was standing next to an overflowing Dumpster.

  “McGlade! Put your pants back on or I’ll kick your ass!”

  Yummi came three or four more times, and then she worked my dick out through my fly and took me in her mouth.

  Vicki was amazing at oral sex. Yummi came very close to matching her expertise. I gasped, and a little voice inside my head said this wasn’t cheating. Technically, this was rape.

  As her head bobbed up and down, and she worked her tongue and throat, that little voice became a big, loud voice.

  But good as it physically felt, it didn’t feel good in my heart. Call me a sappy romantic. Call me a fucking idiot. But I wasn’t going to be with any woman other than Vicki. I wouldn’t respect myself if I did.

  I tried to hoist Yummi off, but she had a lip-lock on me that couldn’t be broken without the aid of a crowbar. So I went on the offensive.

  Reaching up my left hand, I found the seam where her latex pants began and forced my way inside.

  Yummi screamed around my cock, which felt pretty incredible. I penetrated her with one, then two fingers, while my thumb worked her clit. Yummi released me, sitting straight up like someone had shoved a rod into her spine, making a sound that was so overwhelmingly sexual I should have won some sort of award.

  I increased the speed, thrusting my fingers in and out while slowly easing out from under her. Yummi’s moans became higher and higher pitched, until the only things that could hear her were dogs.

  I changed the tempo, deliberately teasing her, making her follow my fingers as I disentangled our bodies. When I was free and clear, I did a trick Vicki had taught me, a movement with my thumb that made Yummi’s entire body stiffen up.

  She went off like a volcano. I shoved her away and retrieved my hand, leaving her curled up on the ground, twitching and moaning. Then I zipped myself back up and grabbed McGlade.

  “Time to go.”

  “You’re a fucking idiot,” he said.

  “I know. Now let’s go to Rosie’s.”

  “But we can’t leave her like that. Look at her.” McGlade pointed at Yummi. The girl was shuddering, her eyes rolled up in her head and a line of drool dripping down her cheek. “She’s in a sexual frenzy. The poor thing doesn’t even know where she is.”

  “She’ll be fine.” I continued to pull him away.

  “You should let me stay with her. So she doesn’t get hurt.”


  “I just need two minutes to ensure her safety.”


  “One minute. I’ll give you a thousand credits.”

  I put my hands on McGlade’s shoulders and stared at him, hard. “You can come back for her some other time. My life is on the line here, old buddy. We need to get to Rosie’s. This is hugely important. Do you understand?”

  He nodded slowly. “Yeah.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “And you’re going to help me?”


  I let him go, and he went running toward Yummi. I caught him by his hair and wasn’t gentle in dragging him away. He might have cried for a little while, but eventually he manned up and was able to lead us through the decimated town to Rosie’s.

  As we got deeper into dissytown, more people hung out on the streets. Whores and peddlers, sk8terz and zonerz, even a few kids. I wondered if Yummi had tried to recruit them, and hoped she used a less aggressive but more effective approach.

  Rosie’s, it turned out, was a P&P bar. I had no idea where dissys got their pot and pills, but I could smell the weed long before we walked through the front doors.

  There was music, an old guy at an out-of-tune piano growling the blues. The joint was full, around fifty people dope-smoking and pill-popping. Apparently dissytown had no rules against public fornication, because several folks were going at it. Some hetero. Some same sex. Some solo. I tried not to look. My boys were blue, and I had no desire to add to the ache.

  The place had an air of danger about it that I was ashamed to admit I got a charge out of. These scumbags were the reason I became a peace officer. I had an urgent, irrational desire to arrest everybody.

  “What now?” I asked McGlade.

  He ignored me, his nose a few inches away from some girl-on-girl action. I gave him a punch in the arm.


  “Do you have a contact here? Or are we supposed to try to shake down four dozen people?”

  McGlade had taken out his DT and was shooting video. Without looking at me he said, “Guy behind the counter. Name is Lewis. He’s got a mustache.”

  “You want to give me an intro?”

  “Not really. Ladies? Can you do that thingy again? I didn’t have it zoomed in.”

  I left him to his voyeurism and pushed my way through the crowd. The guy behind the counter had a clipped black mustache, the kind favored by Adolf Hitler. It complemented the swastika tattoo on his head, done in a luminescent ink that blinked red and blue light.

  “You Lewis?”

  “Who the fuck wants to know?”

  “I’m looking for Rocket Corbitz.”

  He folded his arms. “So?”

  I grabbed him by his Hitler ’stache and pulled him up over the top of the bar. “So tell him I want to see him. Please.”

  Though we weren’t technically allowed to use them, at the peace academy we learned there were several compliance points on the human body. Pinching a suspect in the armpit, kidney, balls, or upper lip caused instant pain and total obedience. Lewis made a half-assed attempt to raise a fist, but I squeezed even harder, making his eyes go gla

  When I released him, he immediately ran off.

  Some skank came up to me, the scowl on her face making her look like someone was holding a turd under her nose. A large joint burned in the corner of her mouth. Apparently dissys abused pot the old-fashioned way.

  “What the fuck’s your problem with Lewis?”

  “I hate Illinois Nazis.”

  “Well, you’re really gonna hate this one.”

  She took a deep drag off the weed and glanced at something high over my shoulder. I turned around.

  It took me a second to realize I was looking at a man, and not a shaved grizzly bear. He had to go seven feet tall, and damn near as wide. All of it was muscle. Freakishly overdeveloped muscle. Every striation, every vein, every tendon was visible through his tan skin. I knew a few bodybuilders, but this guy looked like he ate Mr. Hyperuniverse, along with the four runners-up.

  His biceps had to go forty inches across. His chest was so thick I didn’t know how he could fit through doorways, even sideways. Even his fingers had definition.

  And on the top of his shaved head, blinking red and white, was a glowing swastika tattoo.

  “I’m Rocket,” he said, he voice too low for a human being.

  This guy wasn’t just a roider. He was the King of the Roiders. I could have thrown a saddle on him and won the Kentucky HyperDerby.

  “Hi, buddy,” I said, trying to smile. My bladder felt like a tire with a slow leak. “I just wanted to ask—”

  His massive paw shot out and grabbed my shirt. With seemingly no effort, he lifted me into the air.

  “You! You’re the SMF that killed my aunt Zelda! I saw you on the news!”

  Then he reared back his other hand, his fist bigger than my whole head, and I realized with absolute certainty that I was going to die.


  “Beat the shit out of him, Rocket,” said the chick with the joint.

  Rocket looked at her, cockeyed. “That’s what I’m doin’, Camilla.”